Spyware on Androids, Interland, Will Markow (Burning Glass) and Cyber Patriot and SANS Institute

Topics Covered

  • Guest Speaker: Will Marklow
  • Cyber Bytes: Spyware on Androids – Process Manager
  • Technology Corner: Cybersecurity Awareness using Interland
  • Cyber Opportunities: CyberPatriot and SANS Institute

Available: May 8, 2022

About this Show

Guest Speaker:

Will Marklow

Will MarkowVice President of Applied Research – Talent
EMSI Burning Glass
Link to Bio

Android Spyware Masquerades as Process Manager

What Happened?

A new spyware was discovered on the Android device. It disguises itself as a “Process Manager” and after installed, asks for permission to gain access to a multitude of services that all reveal important information about the user that should remain private, like their location.

Relevant Terms

  • System Component: iit appears as if it’s part of the phone’s default setting.
  • Package Name: the actual name that identifies the app on someone’s device.
  • Lab52: the threat intelligence center of the larger group S2 Grupo, an international cybersecurity company

Technology Corner – Interland

Go to: https://beinternetawesome.withgoogle.com

Interland is a game created by google that teaches you how to navigate the wonders of the internet. In this segment, we explore the game Reality River. This game quizzes you and tests your knowledge on phishing attacks and scams.

You first want to go the website and click on the game, Reality River. Follow the instructions and answer the questions. The goal is to get as many answers as possible right to make it across the river.

You will be asked questions with three different options. Choose the option that you think is correct and you will land on a rock. You want to get the questions right so you can land on the right rock, then you can make it across the river.


Google's Interland

The question is asking what you would do if you got an email with a hilarious subject line that is obviously a scam.

Option 1: Delete and forget it
Option 2: LOL. Forward it to your friends for a laugh but tell them not to click anything
Option 3: Avoid clicking any links and mark it as “spam”

The correct option is option 3. It is important to report things like this to protect yourself from trouble online.

After you finish crossing the river there is a test at the end to quiz you on information you learn during the activity.

Also, there are more adventures you can explore that cover other cybersecurity topics!

Cyber Opportunities


The first opportunity is from CyberPatriot. CyberPatriot is offering AFA Cyber Camps. Attending these cyber camps is the ideal method to learn about cybersecurity principles and apply what you’ve learned via hands-on activities! Attending these cyber camps will give the basic fundamentals when competing in the CyberPatriot competitions that happen during the school year. Depending on the area you sign up for, certain cyber camps will be either virtually or in person. If you’re interested in attending the summer camp, send an email to afacybercamps@uscyberpatriot.org with your local address to be advised of the location and dates. For more information, check out https://www.uscyberpatriot.org/afa-cybercamps/2022-camp-information.

SANS institute

The second opportunity is from SANS Institute. SANS Institute is a leading provider of cybersecurity training, certifications, and research. Because we understand that everyone in an organization – from non-technical employees to IT security staff, all the way up to the organization’s security leadership team – has a role to play in establishing a critical line of defense in the battle against ever-evolving adversaries, SANS is dedicated to delivering and validating hands-on cybersecurity skills. SANS.edu provides the cybersecurity degree or certificate program that will get you employed if you want to start a career in cybersecurity. Students between the ages of 18 and 60 are welcome to apply. For more information, check out https://www.sans.edu/.